Specific Stories of Miracles

Continuing the discussion from God's protection through a tornado:

As @lakshmi shared, for this mom, at home with a one-month-old baby, praying for God to protect her husband from a tornado, is an incredible faith builder. I can’t imagine being in the middle of a tornado!

Specific stories of God’s protection do encourage our faith! Recently, I’ve experienced this by reading Nancy French’s auto-biography Ghosted: An American Story.

At one point, she tells the story of when her son, Austin, was in the NICU, and her husband’s parents came to pray for him. She writes,

Specifically, they prayed that since we couldn’t be in the NICU around the clock that God would send an angel to watch over the baby.

This wasn’t a metaphorical prayer. They believed God would literally send an angel with wings, flapping and hovering over little Austin to protect and comfort him. That sounded sentimental and improbable, but they prayed like they were making a divine personnel request they fully expected to be fulfilled. Though I appreciated the sentiment, I was mildly annoyed. I wanted a normal prayer—healing, comfort, perseverance. Not a request for an angel (113).

Three years later, Nancy hears how God answered this prayer. As she tells it:

Three years later, [Austin] woke up from a nap.

“I had a dream,” he told me. Though this is a common utterance, a shudder ran through me. Ever since my dreams had turned out to have a prescient quality, I took them more seriously than most.

“Want to tell me about it?” I asked.

“I was in a bubble. Lying on white cloth. And I saw my pacifier but I couldn’t reach it. And you were looking at me through the bubble.”

I sat down at the kitchen table. We’d never told him he had birth complications. Could he possibly be talking about his NICU stay?

“What else?”

“And this woman poked a needle into my forehead.” I’d forgotten the nurse had used an IV in his forehead. But his description of the dream reminded me, and I felt a prickling in my eyes.

I was all alone,” he said. The days after his birth were filled with so much sadness and despair, mainly because we couldn’t be physically with him. Why would God reveal all of this sadness to him in a dream?

“But then I wasn’t.” “Who was with you?” I asked. I hoped he remembered we were trying desperately to be with him.

“Buzz Lightyear,” he said. I laughed, which punctured the moment. I’d gotten so engrossed into this tale that seemed so uncannily like his birth. But there’s no way a premature baby could remember his NICU experience.

Austin was serious as he tried to convey his dream, and I could tell he was frustrated he didn’t have the right words to express himself.

“No, it wasn’t Buzz Lightyear, but there was a man and he was big like Buzz Lightyear and he had wings like Buzz Lightyear and he stood right there beside me.”

I remembered my in-laws’ prayers and my heart constricted. “Did the winged creature speak?” I asked, gently.

“He only said one thing.” Austin closed his eyes to go back to sleep. “He told me not to be afraid" (113-114).

I felt shivers run through my body as I read this story. It’s so specific and weird, but in a good way. Pentecostals praying for God to send an angel. A three-year-old talking about a winged movie character who says, “Don’t be afraid.”

Even the specific details of a nurse poking his forehead. (From my brief research, it would be unlikely for an IV tube to be attached to an infant’s forehead, but perhaps this happened, or it was a heart rate sensor or an EEG electrode).

What stories have you read about - or experienced - of apparent miracles?


For me, the one that has always stuck in my mind was the first time I went to youth group.

I had been biking in a little bike park I built in our woods a few days before and landed on one of my knees after a bad jump. At first my knee just kind of felt weird but soon it had swollen significantly. For the next couple of days my leg was pretty close to swollen straight and I was taking a fair amount of ibuprofen to be able to walk around at school. But, when I went to youth group that Wednesday, they were doing a prayer night and someone prayed over my knee. The next morning it was perfectly fine! While I grant it could be possible that my knee healing was natural and the timing just aligned, to me it has always seemed like a clear manifestation of God’s healing.

Often though, the things that I have found most miraculous feel like really everyday things - bringing a verse to mind at just the right time, getting the feeling that I should reach out to a particular person, and looking back to see the way God has been shaping my life.

That last one in particular is often mind blowing. God brought a youth pastor into my life who was willing to challenge me about my priorities right before going off to college, when I most needed my priorities straight. Then He put me with a roommate, who not only was one of the few other Christians on the floor, but one who was rock solid in his faith and who had heard of and was planning to attend the same campus ministry as me. A campus ministry of approximately 10 students at the time, among a student body of over 30,000 undergraduates. That roommate and that campus ministry shaped me in profound ways, greatly strengthening my faith and my love for God and for others.

It’s always amazing to look back and see all that God has done in my life and how He uses the smallest details to make an enormous impact.

As for the stories I’ve read, The Cross and the Switchblade, the story of the founding of Teen Challenge, has always been astounding to me. From God’s protection of David Wilkerson sleeping in his car in New York, to providing the house for their ministry and providing the food at the last minute when they had none, and finally to Nicky Cruz leader of the Mau Maus game coming to know the Lord it was one miracle after another.

I’m looking forward to hearing how God has worked in others’ lives too and of the stories of His miraculous works that have impacted them!

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