What Are Your Favorite Christmas Traditions?

Hi friends,

I’m curious - what Christmas traditions help you and your community (family, friends, neighbors) experience spiritual growth?

For our family, I think the ordinary habits of spending significantly more time together with each other and our extended family is so important. Conversations, making meals, playing games together - these aren’t “religious,” but they are opportunities to receive and share love.

In addition, we always read through the first two chapters of Luke, and discuss these verses together.

How about you?


Every year among other presents my parents always give us the same thing, a year-long devotional book.

In addition, every year my church has the same service. The sanctuary is dark, and the worship team sits in the back and plays Christmas music. The birth of Jesus is read directly from the Bible, and we take communion. On the last song, we light candles. I love hearing many people worship, and thee candles with everyone singing, its pretty incredible.


Sharing the story of Christ is my favorite thing to do. Christ gives life by His death on the cross.