UP Courses

Embracing God’s Mission

My prayer is that this course will give you CLARITY about what it means to be a disciple, JOY as you follow Christ more earnestly, and INSPIRATION to more whole-heartedly pursue God.

What you’ll learn in this course is some of what I’ve learned about embracing God’s mission in my own journey with God. It’s also based on a course called “Missional Disciple Making” that I took during my D.Min. degree at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

Over nearly six weeks, you’ll receive fifteen insights to empower you to embrace God’s mission. Each lesson is connected to a members-only discussion area in the Uncommon Pursuit community.

Sign up now!

The Fruit of the Spirit Online

C.S. Lewis wrote, “We all want progress, but if you’re on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.”

And when it comes to social media, there are a lot of us on the wrong road. According to a research report by Pew, “64% of Americans say social media have a mostly negative effect on the way things are going in the U.S. today.”

In the Pew study, participants mentioned misinformation, harassment, partisanship, and polarization as some of the major problems.

Over the course of five weeks, you’ll receive thirteen lessons, each one bursting with practical tips to help you demonstrate the fruit of the spirit in your online conversations. You’ll also gain access to a members-only discussion area in the Uncommon Pursuit community.

Sign up now!

The Benefits of Membership

UP Members don’t have to buy each course separately. Instead, when you register as a missional member of the UP community, you get access to all of our courses.

In addition, you’ll be sent a weekly missional prompt. Each week’s prompt will invite you to connect with God, connect with others, or connect with God’s mission in your community. There’s also a space for prayer requests.

Missional members are also invited to join a monthly Zoom call. Hosted by our Executive Director, Carson Weitnauer, this is your opportunity to participate in an international Bible study and make friendships with your brothers and sisters in Christ from around the world.

Sign up now!


I’m really enjoying the Embracing God’s Mission course. It’s getting me to think through areas of my walk with God that I’d not really considered before, and it’s doing it in a way that stretches me because there aren’t always straightforward or obvious answers. It’s helping me engage my mind and my heart, and I notice I’m reflecting on the content through the week.


I thought that if I sign up for the course I’ll get started right away. How do you start?


Hi @olesea!

I’m sorrry for the trouble!

Assuming you’ve signed up for the 12 Steps course that we just announced, please check your Spam folder for the confirmation email. Once you respond to that email, you should get the first course email within 30 minutes.

(Actually, if you sign up for any of our courses, the first email might go to your Spam folder. After you confirm your interest, future emails should go to your Inbox. If they keep going to your Spam folder, please move them to your Inbox and add our email as a contact in your email program. That should fix it, but let us know if any problems! We are here for you).

If you want to try registering again, here’s the link:

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