Legends Never Rest Essay

A space to discuss the Legends Never Rest essay

Good evening, Carson,

Col. 3:23 In all you do, do it heartily unto the Lord and not to men.
Again, it says in a different place on with it then be as eager to finish it as you were to start it.

We are driven to work and not rest across the board success oriented is the goal.

Come unto me all that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

My yoke is easy my burden light.

Striving as was shared in another post is common unto man and gets magnified when the two become one and then more, as time progresses.

We are hard wired to be a worker bee which causes us to work for our relationships.

Jer. 6:16 speaks of this path to rest if we would just walk in it and not fight the right way.

That gentle, lowly heart is pure humility before God.
We must admit our complete inability to do anything apart from God’s grace, admit that our heart deceives us, and pride is an enemy that we must keep jailed.

The peace filled relationship we all long for can be found in taking God at His word resting in His truth and not striving to make it happen.


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