How to read the Bible if you don't like reading at all?

How do you read the Bible if you hate Read physical & digital books and listening to audiobooks ?


Hi @richard4,

That’s a great question. I think many people feel that way, but maybe are scared to ask!

Here are a few ideas that come to mind:

  1. Reduce the effort. For instance, find a devotional book that you find enjoyable to read. If it’s well-written, you might find one that’s relatively easy to read, clear, and practical.

  2. Increase the fun. For instance, ask a friend to discuss the Bible with you. Instead of “reading the Bible” by yourself, you’re having a conversation about a few Bible verses together.

  3. Try a different format. For instance, I haven’t read it myself, but you might try The Magna Bible.

  4. Don’t worry about getting stuck. Whenever you read something and you find it confusing, just come here and ask your question. We’ll help you out.

  5. Most important? Ask God to give you a desire to read the Scriptures.

Those are my best ideas - I’m curious to hear what others will say!

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Hi @richard4 , I think most people have struggled with consistency and motivation to read the Bible at some point in their Christian lives. We each have our own reasons for finding it difficult, but no matter the reason, we know that the Bible is no ordinary book. It is God’s Word to us, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, meant to help us know Him, understand His love, gain insight into ourselves, God’s plan, and find wisdom for the many decisions we face in life (Psalm 119). Keeping the value of reading the Bible at the forefront of our mind can be a way to press through the difficulty we have in reading the Bible consistently.

Since becoming a Christian, I too have had difficulties developing a consistent habit of reading the Bible. My lack of discipline, the lack of skills in interpreting, my limited knowledge of the bible cultural context, all played a part. However, as I spent time reading the Gospels and the Psalms, I found comfort in the words of the Bible that helped me persevere through life’s difficulties, and that provided the motivation. A desire for more of God’s love, wisdom, and finding security in Him continues to be a motivating force. As @Carson shared, we can pray about our desire to read the Bible. The Holy Spirit can give us a hunger for His Word as He desires to guide us into truth (John 16:13).

Another helpful approach is to read the Bible in community, where we can be inspired by how God has used Scripture in the lives of others. This can be a practical tool for consistency in setting aside time to study.

Additionally, paying attention to the different genres of the Bible is important, as it helps manage our expectations on what we hope to receive from a portion of the text. I’ll be honest, some portions have felt boring but it was mostly because I hadn’t yet discovered their significance.

I hope this helps. May God stir a hunger for His Word in all our hearts.

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