How do I experience the love of God?

I want to experience the love of God
I’m new to this and i’m feeling very drawn to it when i’ve been it’s biggest critic in the past.
Do i just open my mind and let him flow into my heart?
Not sure it’s possible
Thank you


Hi @james13,

That’s a great question.

Here’s how I have experienced the love of God:

  1. I’ve spent time in prayer - that is, talking to God. You can pray in your mind or out loud. It can be as simple as, “God, I want to know who you are, and to experience your love. Jesus, show me who you are. Holy Spirit, reveal yourself to me.”

  2. Slowly read and meditate on how Jesus revealed God’s love. For instance, read John 15:1-17.

Or consider 1 John 3:1-3,

See what great love the Father has given us that we should be called God’s children—and we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it didn’t know him. Dear friends, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when he appears, we will be like him because we will see him as he is. And everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as he is pure.

  1. Give yourself time to think about the evidence for the reality of God. To trust God, it helps to have an understanding that God is real, and has revealed himself to us by becoming human.

This video might be a good place to start:

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I found it interesting and thought provoking and i think i know where i’m headed but taking nothing for granted. I did pray and have started praying which was never me.

I want Jesus Christ as my saviour and Lord and willingly give him myself if he’ll have me.
Am still losing my interest in the same sex and i’m happy about it. I hope i become a practising Christian but we’ll see.

Hi James, that’s encouraging to hear. Keep us posted on how God works in your life. Have you considered looking for a local church?

Yes i have and 2 or 3 near that i will visit and see which suits me

I think i just want a normal life filled with love

If God is calling i am more than willing to feel his influence in my life

I still don’t understand this to be honest

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Hi James, that’s great to check a few out and see which one is a good fit. I hope you find a warm, caring, and friendly community that shows you the love of God - and teaches it, too!

I confess that even after walking with God for a few decades, I still find it mysterious and amazing that God loves me.

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I’m sure if i submerge myself into it i will gain out of it
Cant see any downsides at all
I just find it strange that now i want him in my heart
I want to feel that same love you do
May even find myself a nice Christian lady x Who knows x