How Can I Know if God is with Me?


Please share your thoughts on this week’s essay: How Can I Know if God is with Me?

Discussion Question:

  1. Have you ever felt a longing to be connected to God? What does that feeling mean to you?

  2. In your opinion, what are some common ways people attempt to connect with God? Are they effective?

  3. How does the assurance of being united with God through Jesus influence your daily life and interactions with others?


How can I know if God is with me? That is probably the most important question to answer to grow in our relationship with God. When we are assured of God’s love in a deep way, we will find it so much easier to go to him daily in prayer for all our needs. On the other hand, when we are not assured of God’s love for us as Christians, we will be more prone to doubt our salvation, we may resort to self effort to grow closer to God, we will likely drift away to things that bring us instant happiness and we may feel weak and alone in the battles of our life.

A simple truth that has helped me reflect on God’s love for me recently is that ‘He made me’. When we humans care for and treasure our own creations or those of our children, how much more will God care for his own creation! He loves his creation too much to see it destroyed and so made a way for its restoration by sending his son Jesus to die on the cross. We can trust Jesus’ words in Matt 28:20 and Rev 21:5, that he is with us always and has plans to bring restoration to all things broken. Knowing that God loves me because he made me, takes the burden off me to be loved by God. I only need to respond to his love.