Discuss: The Easiest Way To Do Breath Prayers

Breath prayers are a beautiful practice that fosters a deep connection with God.

Discover how to invite God into your daily life. His presence is a constant source of love.

In this video, I share how I incorporate breath prayers throughout the day.


Thanks for sharing, I love breath prayers!

Though I wouldn’t have thought of them as breath prayers before - more like thought prayers in my mind - the short prayers throughout the day of thanks are often some of my favorite moments. Just taking the time to soak in the goodness of God and give him thanks for whatever it may be, like the amazing smell of pine trees on my walk to my car today or just how beautiful the weather was today!

I also have really enjoyed and benefitted from breath prayers as something I take a little bit of time to slow down and just inhale and exhale while praying. For this I really like verses I have memorized, such as part of Isa. 12:2, “God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid.” It helps me to step back in the stress of life and remember that God is in control, I have my salvation and inheritance in Him, and He is with me. It directs my focus back to Him when the concerns of life start to become overwhelming.