Dim your light or walk accordingly

What is it that you reslly want accomplish with god that iis already written out for you will we continue the path that only few can walk or will we walk the path with all types of distractions causing our faith to be dim so others will be comfortable around you


Hi @shaquille,

That’s a profound question. It’s tempting to dim our lights to make others comfortable. But living with integrity and inviting others to follow Jesus takes courage.

What gives you the courage to shine your light for Christ?

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What gives me courage is that when i look at the people god used in the bible they made all types of excuses but he still used them god takes ordinary people to do extrodinary things


Hi @shaquille,

Welcome and thanks for sharing this great insight.

Yes, God has already planned all the good works we are to walk in. Even when we are in His will, it is difficult. I have been thinking about the different bible characters, called of God, but still faced problems. Joseph was given a dream and then sold to the Midianite traders. Abraham was promised land but there were Canaanites living in that land who had to be defeated. Moses was called to lead the Israelites to the promised land but they were stiff-necked followers and had battles to face. Jesus and the disciples too faced opposition. It takes courage to be obedient to God.

Sometimes our problems have to do with our own doing, our own sin, our attraction to what the world can give. As God’s children, we will face discipline if we are in relationship with Him. When we dim our lights, we dont grow in our faith and in our trust in God. We miss opportunities to let God’s grace in exchange for comfort.