How does believing the Gospel save us?

Thank you, Carson, for such a thoughtful response to my question. Your answer helped. I’ve read the Narnia stories and other CS Lewis works (and Luther, Calvin, and contemporary thinkers including Francis Schaeffer, Chuck Colson, RC Sproul, John Piper, Dallas Willard, Tim Keller and Martin Lloyd-Jones and others. I was more “sure” of things 20 years ago but not quite as sure and dogmatic about theology as I used to be. Read Charles Ryrie ‘s “So Great Salvation” which was the antidote to MacArthur’s “lordship salvation” teaching. But I’ve never really thought of looking at the Gospel Story through Lucy’s eyes in Narnia. So thank you!

Lately I’ve been questioning the simple A-B-C formulas I learned as a kid. I walked through the Roman Road with an inmate in a state penitentiary while serving with a prison ministry 15 years ago - and I “think” that guy “was saved”, but I don’t know for sure. The question in my mind was always “how much” does one have to believe to be saved? How much “fruit” must spring from your faith? The thief on the cross just asked the Lord to remember him.
All to say I’m intrigued by the “enter the story” concept but I don’t understand how “entering the story” fits with concepts like forgiveness of sins. You wrote how Lucy wanted to be in Aslan’s kingdom - that is compelling and perhaps even convicting. So again, thank you. I’d really like to understand this “Gospel story” concept better.
