Hi friends,
I’ve led online communities for spiritual growth since 2016.
Here’s a question I’ve asked myself hundreds of times: How can inviting anyone to participate in our community be compatible with creating a consistently trustworthy resource for spiritual growth?
It’s a complex question with no easy answers.
Here’s how we’re trying to make that work:
First, to enable every member to participate, we have set up our community so anyone can ask questions and engage in the conversation they’ve started. We are here for you!
However, only a smaller group of vetted volunteers has permission to respond to your questions. We believe this is one way to integrate the wisdom and guidance that God gives us in James 3:1:
Not many should become teachers, my brothers, because you know that we will receive a stricter judgment.
Also, we hope this arrangement will increase your confidence that you will only receive kind, trustworthy answers.
But what if you want to respond to someone else’s question? That would be great!
We would love to have you apply to serve as a volunteer in the community.
As Jesus taught his disciples in Matthew 10:37-38,
The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.
So, if you get excited about providing thoughtful, caring, and prayerful answers to serve others, please use our contact form to let me know.
Wherever you are in your journey with God, please join us in praying that God will inspire and equip faithful, mature, and wise disciples of Jesus to join our mission.
Of course, life is complex, and so is our community. So, there are a few exceptions. For instance, we let anyone share their responses to the discussion prompts for our free courses. You can be confident that our team is also actively engaging in these discussions.
Your participation, whether through asking questions or potentially serving as a volunteer, is invaluable to our mission. Every question is a gift. Every answer is an act of service. However you contribute, our prayerful desire is to create a space that enables many thousands of people to develop spiritual maturity.
Thank you for being part of the community. May God bless you and guide you as you explore and deepen your faith with us.